Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Skill Acquired

Today, suddenly i received a call from my dad. He asked me to try to jump start the car and go get a new battery for it. So I was like O_o okay... Then coincidentally my friend asked for lunch. So I asked him to come pick me up and jump start the car with cables.

Yea man! We learned some new shit today! It's actually very easy LOL Just connect the cable accordingly. Positive(+) with (+) and Negative(-) with (-). Then try starting the car.

After that we went to get a new battery. Which cost my RM180 @_@" Well it's kinda reasonable I think? I don't know much about this stuffs so... LOL

Warranty for a year so I guess it's okay. The cable is pretty cool. You gotta have one in your car in case of emergency =D

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