Here, 1month and 1 week have already passed. It's just like a blink of an eye =.=" But before my holiday end, I went all in! Yea! Went shopping for CNY clothes with Max in 1Utama(1U) and Sunway Pyramid. Actually we planned to go down to KL for shopping but 2 girls suddenly fall sick so :( Only Max and I, we don't feel like going all the way to KL LOL
One of our friend called Max to support her in some event she's working on. So we decided to visit 1U for awhile since we are going for shopping. But before we start shopping, we have to locate May Qing lol! We rarely go to 1U so got a little lost =.=" So after 30mins of walking from north to south and south to north of 1U we finally found her =.="

Here she is!
Yeah she showed us some fake testicles and let us feel it LOL If one side you can feel a lump means you have testis cancer @@ Damn but to me both sides felt the same LOL Damn awkward doing these in public =.="
After that we went searching for Maybank ATM. Seriously, this is when I started to dislike 1U. The map looks very high class touch screen and with keypads. It allows you to search for shop names by keying in their keywords. Okay we found the shop but they didn't show us where are we =.=" Conclusion, don't use the stupid map machine LOL
The person who is in charge of placing the ATM machines are also kinda retard. They place those ATM machine at places where people don't usually go =.=" ATM machines are suppose to be somewhere people can find easily. We found one ATM nearby the parking place. Damn retard please the place is like for those who go and withdraw money and confirm get robbed =.="
After awhile we left 1U empty handed @@ Next stop Pyramid! We went there to meet up with Foong Yee & Suet Yee. Yea we finally got extra members for shopping! We manage to find something we like in Pyramid. 1U sucks @@
On that day, Pyramid have this Nokia event thingy going on. They asked those who have Nokia phone to participate. So I gave it a try LOL Winners get to walk away with a RM288 nokia bluetooth. Our task is to snap a photo of the Lion's head. The person who have the most unique picture wins! So I ran all the way outside and snap the photo and ran back in @@ Exercise of the day? LOL

This is what I took =D But It feels kinda plain and I bet this kinda competition surely creativity comes first and to get their attention. So I decided to add a few things lol

TADA!! Naise? LOL Well believe or not, this shit made me a winner LOL!

Contestant showing their pictures. The judges liked my picture because of the Nokia word. She said I like the words. Then the blue shirt guy say something what I also got some words and creativity bla bla I think LOL Then the judge say my words have more meaning =D I didn't really get to see how are the other contestants photo though. The blue shirt guy macam trying hard to win the bluetooth thingy LOL

And yeah the judges liked my picture and they asked me to tell the whole pyramid what I wrote on it and what do I think about Nokia LOL damn... I kinda lied to the whole pyramid though LOL I can't spoil Nokia Image in front of them T_T Not that I wanna lie but I had no choice LOL My phone is kinda giving me some problems but I've been using it for almost 3years +. Anyways I also a loyal Nokia Phone user. If I were to get a phone I will always look at Nokia first. But if other phones such as Iphone then... LOL

Hell Yeah Darren the winner! A good start for the CNY?
After that we continue our shopping LOL While Max went trying out his shirts, the girls got bored and we took some pictures =D

Suet Yee, Foong Yee & Darren
Then we all went to Bubba Gump Shrimp for dinner! My first time there hmmm It's kinda erm.. special? lol The waiters are as friendly as TGIF. Why I say special? Because...

If we don't want any disturbance, we put on this sign.

If you wanna order, put this sign on LOL They will come to you and say Stop forrest stop how can I help you? LOL Then once you're done they'll ask you to put back the sign to the previous on and they say Run Forrest Run and they go get your orders @@ Well it's a different feeling.

This is what I ordered GG Don't know what BBQ CheeseBurger? lol Well seriously I had a hard time finishing it @@ But it's delicious!

Yeap... this is the end of my holiday T_T Back to class!