Hi! It's been more than a year since I last blogged! Currently at my hometown and there's nothing much I can do so I decided to explore Tumblr. Wanna get more involved into the social world to see whats happening.
I find this social website pretty interesting though. It supports .gif images and it's really something I guess. Apart from blog, I don't think FB even supports .gif images.
When I first entered to this "new part of the world", I actually immediately went to look for Saoirse Ronan's page. Silly me but yeah she's my new obsession. I was never so obsessed with someone before since the last time. It has been so many years and this obsession suddenly came back.
I can say that she's special? I kinda like her immediately once I see her acting in the movie The Host. Ever since then, I've been crazy about her. It's not really like me though. Never thought I'll get so obsessed with someone again after Suki. Maybe it's the character she plays in the movie that attracts me and also herself of cause. I guess she has the glamour that attracts all her fans.

Here's one of her image below. HOW CAN I NOT LIKE HER lol
There's one thing that I have to admit about her. She has one of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Could just stare at hers all day. Killer eyes.
After watching The Host I went to do a "little" background check on her. Didn't know she was the main actress in Hanna and I actually watch that movie just because she's in it. But overall the movie wasn't that bad. She's able to act in such movies at such a young age. Very talented Indeed.
Will be looking forward for more of her movies and I'll definitely watch them. Her upcoming movies will be How to Catch a Monster, Mary Queen of Scots, Testament of Youth, The Grand Budapest Hotel, How I Live Now and Justin and the Knights of Valour.
It's kinda a miracle that I actually started blogging again. I think it's all thanks to Tumblr. Let's just hope that I have the discipline to do so in the future.
Please also do checkout my tumblr account and follow me if you want. I'll try to be as active as possible!
Tumblr : http://darrenchew90.tumblr.com/
Signing out,