Guess what? It's the last day of December 2011 which means the last day of 2011. It's gonna be 2012 when the clock hits 12 tonight! This year has been an awesome one and at the same time hell as well. However, I enjoyed it and appreciate the time that I spent with my friends and loved ones. But I still feel that the time passes faster as I get older. Guess I'm already reaching the "OLD" stage. I'm gonna be 22 in the year 2012 and there are a lot to accomplish. Gotta get my ass to graduate by this coming August! Got to make sure of that.
Since it's the last day of 2011, people will be busy going out with friends, family, and loved ones tonight for the New Year Eve celebration. It's gonna be a great celebration tonight! But however... For my side and for the first time, WE DON'T HAVE ANY PLANS THIS NEW YEAR'S EVE!
We have been having house party for the past few years and this year we wanna try to do something different. Like partying with the crowd and count down with them. But it seems like our plan have failed. Kinda sad. This is somehow due to lack of ideas and lack of manpower. Those who are in a relationship go out with their partner and leave those single ones alone. That's very sad. Tonight before 12am, there's only 3 of us. Jordan, Kai Loon and myself, most probably we're gonna hangout in IOI Boulevard and countdown with the crowd over there. There are pros and cons of being in the relationship and I guess this is the cons of it. Oh well, just hope tonight goes well.
When we were in high school we don't have to think so much. Just chill at a Cyber Cafe and Dota all night. Well, if we do this at our age, it's kinda like those lifeless people who only know how to play games for a living. Even those "lalazai" don't do this I guess. Because they'll be in KL spraying people and finding faults. Which I think it's much more better than playing Dota. "I THINK". Neh it's just an Illustration so don't bother about it.
It's the last day of 2011 guys! So please do something memorable that you will never forget and will remember for the rest of your life on what you did on the last day of 2011. "IF YOU CAN". For those who screwed up their life in 2011, tomorrow is your chance to start a new life. Just be who you are and ignore what other say or talk about you. Just follow your heart. Just do whatever good you can in your life. But of cause make sure that you are doing the right thing :D
This is the last post from me in my blog in the year 2011. Take care guys and have one hell of a celebration tonight! Live to ENJOY live. Work hard and Play hard!
Since it's the last day of 2011, people will be busy going out with friends, family, and loved ones tonight for the New Year Eve celebration. It's gonna be a great celebration tonight! But however... For my side and for the first time, WE DON'T HAVE ANY PLANS THIS NEW YEAR'S EVE!

When we were in high school we don't have to think so much. Just chill at a Cyber Cafe and Dota all night. Well, if we do this at our age, it's kinda like those lifeless people who only know how to play games for a living. Even those "lalazai" don't do this I guess. Because they'll be in KL spraying people and finding faults. Which I think it's much more better than playing Dota. "I THINK". Neh it's just an Illustration so don't bother about it.
It's the last day of 2011 guys! So please do something memorable that you will never forget and will remember for the rest of your life on what you did on the last day of 2011. "IF YOU CAN". For those who screwed up their life in 2011, tomorrow is your chance to start a new life. Just be who you are and ignore what other say or talk about you. Just follow your heart. Just do whatever good you can in your life. But of cause make sure that you are doing the right thing :D
This is the last post from me in my blog in the year 2011. Take care guys and have one hell of a celebration tonight! Live to ENJOY live. Work hard and Play hard!